  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
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Tomáš Kasnyik
(zástupca starostu)

Ing. Karol Kovács

Judita Sütőová

Ing. Alexander Lebocz
(do 30.6.2016)

Peter Gulyás

Zoltán Kasnyík

Mgr. Katarína Kecskésová

Katarína Mitáková

Mária Kovács
(od 11.8.2016)

František Vida


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